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Early Learning Centre where Love, Learning & Development is Always Happening
Encouraging Your Child To Discover What Makes Them Unique
Nurturing Your Child To Grow Their Unique Personality
We believe in emergent curriculum, in which we follow the child lead to extend and enrich their strengths, interests, capabilities and to address their developmental areas. We have also been inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach to teaching and learning.
Located in central Newmarket, Kids Cove provides professional parents the opportunity to enrol their children in day care near their workplace.
What to Consider When Choosing a Childcare Provider
When should a child start attending day care?
Most of the daycares provide facilities that cater to child age 3 months till they are school going. Thus, when a child should attend early childhood education, largely depends on your personal circumstances and choices.
Why is an early childhood education important for child development?
Ministry of Education; Research shows that children who are involved in quality early childhood education (ECE) benefit in many ways, and that these benefits also extend to their family/whānau and the wider community.
Taking part in ECE builds a strong foundation for your child’s ongoing education, learning and development. Children learn lots of new skills by participating in ECE, building on the skills they learn at home and from their families/whānau.
Does the Centre philosophy match with my values?
Every child care has a Centre philosophy which highlights it’s core values and further helps design the centre’s learning and teaching programmes. Before deciding on any early childhood education facility, every parent should ask for and check whether the child care provider’s philosophy delivers and matches with their expectations and values.
Centre Environment and should you visit a child care before enrolling?
Before enrolling, a parent has the right and should visit the centre to check the childcare environment for its safety, health/hygiene standards, compliance with ministry regulations. Ask for the details of facilities provided, fees structures, kitchen/meal facilities and staff qualifications. Also in your visit, include time to meet up with the teachers and know of their teaching practices.
At Kids Cove we have an open door policy for our parents, you are welcome to visit us or call us anytime.
“Frank has been attending Kids Cove Newmarket from the last two and a half years. Within this period, I have been extremely impressed with the quality of care Frank has received. The teaching staff have provided a warm, caring and educational atmosphere.
I felt like the team were an extension of my family and I cannot recommend them highly enough.”
“Frank has been attending Kids Cove Newmarket from the last two and a half years. Within this period, I have been extremely impressed with the quality of care Frank has received. The teaching staff have provided a warm, caring and educational atmosphere.
I felt like the team were an extension of my family and I cannot recommend them highly enough.”